Noll Street FoodTown Inching Closer to Opening
By Ian MacAllen on Tuesday, November 14th, 2023 at 9:50 am

The long-anticipated FoodTown on Noll Street continues hiring staff.
The corner of Noll Street and Evergreen was supposed to be a FoodTown years ago. The “anchor” tenant was announced nearly 5 years ago and will feature a 15,000 square foot store.
The deal is rumored to include a 50-year lease to the grocery store.
It’s part of the Denizen, a large complex of buildings on the Rheingold Brewery site spanning from Evergreen Ave to Bushwick Ave. The Denizen was “completed” in 2019, although work has continued on retail spaces. Residential tenants haven’t been happy, with Bushwick Daily cataloguing complaints.
The store has shelves installed, and it looks like a grocery store — which is a big improvement over just a few months ago when it was an empty shell of a retail space.
The area around the development was considered a food desert because of the lack of grocery stores. Residents will have to be satisfied with Mileu Market, an upscale, organic, glorified bodega, for now.