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Fake Cops So Real They Have Parking Placards Too

By on Wednesday, November 24th, 2021 at 8:36 am

Law and Order prop cars come with parking placards begging to avoid tickets

Even the police on set for Law & Order and FBI have parking placards. Check out the prop car below.

Most of East Williamsburg was locked down this week to allow for filming the latest episodes of Dick Wolf’s police propaganda shows, and the set included a fake police car.

That didn’t stop the fake cops from having a parking placard in the window begging the real cops not to ticket them. This cruiser was parked on Devoe Street waiting for its cameo.

Law and Order prop cars come with parking placards begging to avoid tickets

The police cruiser’s NYPD logos were taped over so real cops wouldn’t confuse the fake cars with the real thing.

Unlike the real cops, almost everyone on set was wearing face masks.

Scenes for FBI were shot at Tivoli Jewelers at 327 Graham Avenue.




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