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Mary Green Park Opens

By on Tuesday, March 7th, 2023 at 9:16 am

Marcy Green Park in Brooklyn

Portions of Marcy Green Park have opened. The park looked nearly ready to go back in December.

Two of the three sections had construction fences removed and are open for people to sit in them. Unfortunately, the roaring traffic from the BQE is now louder, as some of the vegetation that had been surrounding the park was destroyed during the renovation.

Marcy Green Park in Brooklyn

Some rocks might prevent cars from parking on the pavers.

Marcy Green Park in Brooklyn

Concrete ping pong tables are available, which is like pickle ball but with a small playing surface.

Marcy Green Park in Brooklyn

The city spent a lot of money replacing the sidewalk, but didn’t bother extending the sidewalk. Although the section of roadway is supposed to be closed to cars, often vehicles end up parking there. Extending the sidewalk when it was being replaced would have been a cost effective way of preventing illegally parked cars and provided a little more recreational space.

Marcy Green Park in Brooklyn

A final segment of the park sill needs to be completed. The artificial turf has been laid already, but unfortunately, it was not graded properly and slopes toward the street at a steep angle.

Marcy Green Park in Brooklyn

The green space slopes pretty badly.

Marcy Green Park in Brooklyn



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