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City Plans to Spay for Mosquitos

By on Saturday, September 9th, 2023 at 9:00 pm

map of mosquito spraying zone

The city will attempt to control West Nile Virus by spraying for mosquitos in north Brooklyn on September 12th.

The city regularly sprays larvicide throughout the summer, but the planned spraying will target adult mosquitos.

Trucks will start as early as 8:30 p.m. spraying the insecticide and go through the night to cover the area indicated on the map.

The health department uses Anvil® 10+10, Duet®, or MERUS® 3 which can cause eye or throat irritation, a rash or impact people with respiratory conditions. The health department recommends staying indoors while the pesticides are sprayed, which is great news for delivery drivers and third shit workers.

Mosquito spraying is planned for September 12

West Nile Virus was detected in New Yorkers on August 23, and the additional spraying is intended to reduce the risk of infection.

Larvicide is also used to treat catch basins where mosquitos breed. The spray paint typically indicates that a catch basin has been treated.

spray paint dots indicated a catch basin has been treated




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